Mini Fashion Statements (Craftivist Collective)


Create pocket-sized scrolls as powerful and poignant little reminders of the role we can play as consumers. They’re designed to make us think about how the clothes we buy and wear are made, and how we might be able to help tackle problems like, poor conditions for workers or the use of materials that are damaging to the environment.

5 in stock


“The Craftivist Collective’s Mini Fashion Statements are a really simple, fun and creative way to be part of the Fashion Revolution. Made with love and placed into a pocket on a store’s clothes rail, they surprise shoppers with a message that reminds us to be more curious about our clothes.”

“We want to unite the fashion industry and ignite a revolution to radically change the way our clothes are sourced, produced and purchased, so that what the world wears has been made in a safe, clean and fair way” Orsola de Castro, co-founder and Creative Director of Fashion Revolution, 

Sarah Corbett of the Craftivist Collective  explains in the video below a number of  “Why’s” for making and ‘dropping’ mini fashion statement scrolls.

Each kit contains:

Roll of ten special, high quality scrolls; each with an embossed Craftivist Collective logo

Three different colours of ribbon to help make your messages stand out

Detailed instructions

Tips & 3 messages to pick from to write

plus 2 free little gifts for you x

Sales of these kits help to sustain and grow the Craftivist Collective’s global activities to engage people in Craftivism and support people to be the change they wish to see in the world.