Craftivist Tote Bag (Craftivist Collective)


This Craftivist ethical cotton bag is perfect for carrying all kinds of crafting projects around with you!

1 in stock


Crafterthought: Why not customise your bag? Stitch on some words of wisdom or an inspiring quote from your favourite change-maker so you’ll always carry them around with you & provoke others to think about being the change they wish to see in the world.

Additional information

Weight 0.100 kg

The Craftivist Collective was started in 2009 by Sarah Corbett, an award-winning campaigner with 30 years’ practical experience as an activist. At that time Craftivism was a relatively new concept (the term was coined by American writer and crafter Betsy Greer) Since then, Sarah has been developing her own unique ‘Gentle Protest’ approach to Craftivism, and has gained a following of friends and strangers around the world who want to also get involved in this strategic, thoughtful and effective approach to making change "one stitch at a time".

Product Information

Fairtrade cotton bag made in the UK.
380mm wide x 410mm deep.
The top of the bag to the apex of the handle measures 380mm.