Mini Banner (Craftivist Collective)


If there is a place for the large and the loud there is also a place for the small and the quiet. Make a cross-stitched protest banner about an issue you care about and hang it in a relevant public space to provoke thought and discussion.

4 in stock


One of the reasons why we love Craftivism is that it is beautiful and non-threatening – engaging people in unexpected, intriguing and effective ways. Sarah Corbett of the Craftivist Collective  explains in the video below a number of  “Why’s” for making and displaying these Mini Protest Banners for communicating an injustice you care about.

Each kit contains:

Cross stitch aida

Upcycled patterned cotton fabric with two eyelets

2 cable ties

Embroidery thread (Anchor)

Needle (Milward)

Detailed instructions

Tips & message ideas

Crafter-thought questions to reflect on whilst stitching

Craftivist Collective label

Sales of these kits help to sustain and grow the Craftivist Collective’s global activities to engage people in Craftivism and support people to be the change they wish to see in the world.

Additional information

Weight 0.100 kg

The Craftivist Collective was started in 2009 by Sarah Corbett, an award-winning campaigner with 30 years’ practical experience as an activist. At that time Craftivism was a relatively new concept (the term was coined by American writer and crafter Betsy Greer) Since then, Sarah has been developing her own unique ‘Gentle Protest’ approach to Craftivism, and has gained a following of friends and strangers around the world who want to also get involved in this strategic, thoughtful and effective approach to making change "one stitch at a time".

Material Information

All of the materials, packaging and printing are carefully sourced by Sarah from local and sustainable small business and then assembled in her flat in Hackney. Use with courage and care.